This is the game Discworld. I originally purchased this game for my ex girlfriend from years ago. She played it for a long time, then eventually gave up on it and it was boxed up. Then several times over the years it was started, either by me or by others, but never has anyone gotten very far in it.
Then when I met Spazi, she and her brother came over one night and her brother spent most of the night playing some of the games I have, including this one. Well, when he played Discworld for a while, and found some of the comedic moments in the game, of which there were plenty, both me and Spazi found it fun and vowed to play through the entire game. We figured we'd be able to do it in a few hours, especially since we had the walkthrough for it.
It turned out to be a more daunting task than we originally expected.
She came over the next Friday around 11 pm. She left at around 9 am the next morning. We spent the entire night playing that game and didn't even get halfway through it. Even with the walkthrough, little issues, like having difficulty finding the Broken Drum, or the edge of the world, and not to forget all that blasted L-space, added endless countless hours to the gametime.
So she came over unexpectedly the next weekend, and we stayed up until 5 am the next morning playing it again. And still had a significant portion of the game remaining.
Since then, we have attempted on several occasions to finish it, but due to changes of plans, or alcoholic problems, or lack of time, we simply haven't made much progress since. And probably never will again. This game will NEVER be finished. I just don't have the heart to start it over with someone else, and I don't want to finish it myself. So it will remain unfinished. Forever.
Still, the Sex Magick joke was funny. And has almost become a staple comment in our friendship.
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